Prohibit reverse engineering

Mutual NDA

Sample langauge

Written to work with Common Paper standard agreements.

Prohibit reverse engineering

Add at the end of Section 2: “In addition, the Receiving Party shall not reverse engineer, disassemble, or decompile any software or other tangible objects that embody the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information and that are provided to the Receiving Party under this MNDA.”

What is an NDA?

NDA is an acronym for Non-Disclosure Agreement. Confidentiality Agreement is another name that is sometimes used interchangeably with NDA.

This is an agreement, or contract, between two parties to control how they will handle confidential information. It covers things like the circumstances under which the information can be shared, with whom, and when.

NDAs can be unilateral or mutual. A unilateral NDA covers one party sharing information with the other. A mutual NDA covers two parties sharing information with each other.

Common Paper offers a free Mutual NDA that's easy to customize with the language you need.

How do you set up a Mutual NDA with language on this topic in Common Paper?

Customizing a Common Paper agreement is simple. Just copy the sample launguage and paste it into the Other Changes section of your Cover Page.

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Other Changes to the Standard Terms

Additional modifications or customizations

Add at the end of Section 2: “In addition, the Receiving Party shall not reverse engineer, disassemble, or decompile any software or other tangible objects that embody the Disclosing Party’...